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http://www.qctester.com/ 来源: 链接新闻  浏览次数:3794 发布时间:2011-11-30 QC检测仪器网
temate® Si-WB拼焊板检测
The temate® Si-WB is designed for auto­mated inspection of tailor welded blanks. It uses Innerspec Technologies' ultra­sonic EMAT (Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer) technology, the most reliable non-destructive method for volumetric weld inspection at production speeds in demanding industrial environments.
temate® Si-WB系统用于拼焊板的自动检测。系统采用Innerspec科技的超声EMAT技术,以保证在严苛工业环境中提供最可靠的焊接整体无损检测,且不影响生产速度。
Our proprietary EMAT sensor detects surface and internal problems and discrimi­nates between "planar" defects such as lack of fusion, lack of penetration or concavity, and "point" defects such as pinholes or porosity.
The advantages of the temate® Si-WB over other inspection systems are:
•            Capable of providing volumetric inspection to detect internal defects such as porosity and lack of fusion
•      Detects structural defects that affect the quality of the weld without being affected by "cosmetic" problems
•      Optimal correlation with stamping failures with the minimum amount of rejects
•      Self-calibrated sensor for reliable and repeatable inspections at speeds up to 1m/s
•      Exclusive flexible-sensor technology conforms to the surface and undulations of the blank
•      Multi-sensor capabilities with one system controlling up to three sensor heads
•      Easy to program and to interpret results. No need for "learning", defect-characterization period
•      Only inspection system endorsed by OEMs for inspection of safety parts with tens of systems installed worldwide
与其他检测系统相比,temate® Si-WB的优点在于:
•     可整体检测诸如密集气孔和未融合的试件内部缺陷
•     可检测影响焊接质量的结构缺陷,而不受外观问题的影响
•     以最低的判废率保证试件理想地冲压成形
•     装有自校准传感器,提高检测的可靠性和可重复性;检测速率可高达1m/s
•     独有的柔性探头完美贴合被检板平整或起伏的表面
•     多探头能力。一套系统可控制3个探头
•     检测结果简单易懂,无需对缺陷信号特征进行学习
•     唯一得到原始设备制造商认可的安全检测系统,已安装于世界数十个系统中。
The temate® Si-WB can be installed in-line or off-line and it is adaptable to most blank configurations. It includes a com­plete self-diagnostic package to monitor operating conditions and validity of re­sults. The temate® Si-WB can be installed on a robotic positioner (articulating or Cartesian) or on a stationary mount.
temate® Si-WB系统可对大多数板型进行在线和离线检测。系统包含了一套完整的自诊断组件,用以监控运行状况和保证检测结果的有效性。temate® Si-WB系统可安装在机械臂(铰坐标或直角坐标)上,也可安装在固定支架上。
 针尖状气孔   未焊透       凹陷           错位         密集气孔      未融合

Specifications - temate® Si – WB技术参数
Materials Inspected
•   Steel, all grades coated and uncoated
•  0.028" (0.7mm) to 0.138" (3.5mm) thickness
•  各种等级的钢材,有包覆无包覆均可检
•   厚度范围:0.7mm~3.5mm
Defect Detection
Inspection Technique
-    Horizontally polarized shear wave technique
-   Pitch-catch configuration
-   Maximum sample rate of 2000 pulses per second.
-    水平剪切波技术
-    采用一激一收方式
-    最大采样率达每秒2000次
Sensor Head
-   6" (152mm) W x 7.1" (180mm) L x 5.9" (150mm) H. Weight 10 lbs (4.5 Kg)
-    Includes pulsed electromagnet, EMAT coil circuit, protective wear pad, vertical compliancy unit
-    Replaceable protective wear pad is in contact with the part surface during inspection and provides protection for the EMAT coil circuit
-   Vertical compliancy to the part surface accommodated in the sensor up to 0.25" (6mm)
-    几何尺寸为152mm宽、180mm长.150mm高。重4.5千克
-    包括脉冲电磁铁、EMAT线圈、耐磨保护层、垂直方向适应装置
-    检测时,可替换的耐磨层与试件表面相接触以保护EMAT线圈
-   垂直适应度最大可达到6毫米
Data Acquisition Electronics
-    Industrial enclosure; NEMA 12 and IP 55 per EN 60 529/10.91 protection rating, located up to 165 cabling feet (50 m) from sensor
-    Enclosure is 24" (610mm) W x 32.3" (820 MM) L x 69" (1750 mm) H, weighing approximately 500 lbs (225 Kgs)
-    Includes EMAT T/R electronics, magnet pulser, power supplies, computer, communication interfaces, monitor, keyboard and mouse
-    根据EN 60 529/10.91标准,数据采集电路封装于保护等级达NEMA 12 和 IP 55 per的工用机箱中,其与探头的布线距离可达50m
-    机箱尺寸为610mm宽、820mm长、1750mm高,重约225Kg
-    包括EMAT激励/接收电路、电磁铁脉冲激发器、电源、计算机、通讯接口、显示器、键盘和鼠标
Software Features
-    temate® Si software operating under Windows operating environment
-   Automatic and manual operation modes
-    Easy-to-use interface to define and save inspection settings
-   Simultaneous, real-time data acquisition and analysis
-    Interactive and configurable windows to display results from sensors and previous inspection
-    Defect map highlights relative location of defects on part bitmap image
-   Programmable weld-specific defect thresholds for each ultrasonic channel
-    Immediate weld disposition (pass/fail), both display and discrete outputs, following each weld inspection
-   A-Scan (oscilloscope) display mode available for ultrasonic setup and diagnostics
-   Self-diagnostics automatically performed during each inspection for immediate feedback on the maintenance condition of equipment and inspection
-   Serial numbers and part specific comments are accepted using serial port messages. Inspection data is tagged with the serial number identification and comments information
-   Complete record of inspection settings, data and results are stored for each weld inspection
-   Automatic storage of data to up to two locations (e.g. local and network drive)
-    Recall display of past inspection data
-   Custom and standard inspection reports
-   Complete Computer Training Based package
-    Temate® Si软件运行于windows操作系统中
-    自动和手动操作模式
-    简单易用的用户界面便于定义和存储检测设置
-    同步地、实时地进行数据采集和分析
-    交互式窗口可以显示探头接收信号和以往的检测结果,窗口可根据用户要求配置
-    在试件的点阵图上高亮标识出缺陷
-    对指定焊缝可编程设置其超声检测通道的缺陷判定阈值
-    即时对焊缝质量作出评价(通过/不通过),每次检测均显示结果并给出数字量输出
-    A扫描(示波器)显示模式用于超声检测和诊断
-    在每次检测过程中自动执行自诊断功能,以反馈设备和执行过程的状况。
-    检测信息被序列化/网络化,每个检测记录有其对应的标识码和信息。
-    每次焊缝检测的设定、数据和结果都将被完整记录下来
-    可自动存储检测数据至两个位置(本地硬盘和网络存储)
-    调出显示以往的检测数据
-    生成自定义或标准格式的检测报告
-   提供完整的计算机培训程序
Power and Environmental Ranges
-   115VAC to 220VAC
-   Operating temperature 32°F(0°C)to 105°F(40°C)
-    Humidity non-condensing 5% to 95% RH
-    工作电压:交流115V~220V
-    工作温度:0℃~40℃
-    湿度:不结露,相对湿度5%~95%

刘培锋  (0)13901480148



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