QC, 检测仪器, 检测, 仪器, 展览会, 测量仪器, 测试仪器, 表面检测, 材料试验, 化学分析, 无损检测
抗震救灾新闻稿 2010年4月16日星期五 众志成城·快速响应·全力以赴 ——工程机械行业协会全力参与青海玉树抗震救灾 北京时间2010年4月14日7时49分许,青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县(北纬33.1度,东经96.7度)发生7.1级的强烈地震。此次地震造成了当地严重的人员伤亡和财产损失,为最快和最大程度支持和协助灾区进行抗震救灾工作,BICES主办单位之一中国工程机械工业协会(CCMA)在得知地震发生后快速响应,及时号召国内广大的大型工程机械企业,并积极部署、调配相关救援设备,最终于14日晚在成都、西宁等地完成集结,并在当地迅速开展指挥和调度工作,随时根据灾区情况投入使用,同时调集陇、云、贵、川、渝等邻近省市的工程机械设备就近开展救援工作。 截至发稿时,据前方汇报,部分工程机械设备及人员已抵达灾区中心及周边区域,并积极投入到抗震救灾第一线的工作中! News: Qinghai Earthquake Relief Date: 16 Apr 2010, Friday Extending Helping Hand to Yushu Earthquake Victims: CCMA Acts Fast to Assist the Relief Efforts A 7.1-magnitude earthquake hit Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province (33.1°N, 96.7°E) at 7:49 am, April 14, 2010 (Beijing time). The devastating earthquake caused heavy casualties and property loss. In order to provide maximum support and assistance for the rescue work, China Construction Machinery Association (CCMA, one of the BICES sponsors) responded quickly and made rescue arrangements as the earthquake occurred. CCMA called for major construction machinery companies in China to take immediate action. Moreover, CCMA made rescue plan and arranged relevant rescue facility. Eventually in the evening of April 14, rescue facilities and specialized machinery for disaster relief were convened in Chengdu, Xining, and other nearby cities, and were standing by for rescue demand. In the mean time, construction equipment and machinery in Yunan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing were convened to carry out the rescue work. At press time, the on-site office reported that some construction machinery and equipments were already put into use in the center of affected region and other surrounding areas. China Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. April 16, 2010
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