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Vol.44,No.3  June 25,2017


纳米/微米颗粒表面ζ-电势测量的验证试验            吴立敏  厉艳君  郝萍(2)

Verification testing in ζ-potential measurement of Nanometer/micro-particle

                                             Wu Limin, Li Yanjun, Hao Pin


电机出厂综合测试系统量值溯源的校准      沈明炎  袁伟杰  肖娜丽  黄长浩(6)

Research on the traceability calibration of the integrated test system for the motor factory inspection         Shen Mingyan,Yuan Weijie,Xiao Nali,Huang Changhao


固定式环境γ谱仪量值溯源方法        赵超  宋家斑  张瑜  何林锋  唐方东(9)

Discussion on traceability method for fixed environmental γ spectrometer

                  Zhao Chao,Song Jiaban,Zhang Yu,He Linfeng,Tang Fangdong


民用膜式燃气表使用寿命及可靠性分析                           顾瑞彦(13)

Analysis on the actual service life and reliability of the diaphragm gas meters

                                                              Gu Ruiyan



                                             吴建军  薛民杰  朱力敏(17)

Determination of two kinds of siloxane in plastic silicone products by headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry           Wu Jianjun,Xue Minjie,Zhu Limin


5520A型多功能校准器交流电流的溯源              张露妍  赵品彰  李林(20)

AC current traceability of 5520A multifunction calibrator

                                         Zhang Luyan,Zhao Pinzhang,Li Lin


一种新型叠加式力标准机                       虞跃凌  康张宜  胡潇寅(23)

A new Build-up force standard machine    Yu Yueling,Kang Zhangyi,Hu Xiaoyin


家具中推拉构件耐久性试验检测方法              张磊   吴静霞  陈光明(26)

Study on testing method of durability test for the extension element of the furniture 

                                     Zhang Lei,Wu Jingxia,Chen Guangming



                           孙训  白雪  袁杰  资明  王遥  陈建新(28)

Comparison and evaluation of the main metering performance of common type direct reading personal dose equivalent (rate) monitors for X and gamma radiation

                  Sun Xun,Bai Xue,Yuan Jie,Zi Ming,Wang Yao,Chen Jianxin


美标和国标中金属洛氏硬度值测量不确定度评定方法的对比分析    刘岩岩(31)

Comparison and analysis on measurement uncertainty evaluating methods of metal Rockwell hardness between American national standard and Chinese national standard

                                                                         Liu Yanyan



                                    于瑞祥  董翊  姜阳  高艳秋  陈鹰(34)

Determination of fluorides in sulfur hexafluoride by GC-MS

                       Yu Ruixiang, Dong Yi, Jiang Yang, Gao Yanqiu, Chen Ying


抗强电磁干扰的光强监测装置                      朱界平  马欣  鲍其莲(37)

Light intensity monitoring device against strong electromagnetic interference

                                                Zhu Jieping,Ma Xin,Bao Qilian


示波器校准仪输出方波幅度校准方法的选择          戴丹  詹国钟  施滨(40)

The selection of square wave amplitude calibration methods for oscilloscope calibrators

                                         Dai Dan,Zhan Guozhong,Shi Bin


气体介质湿度对膜式燃气表计量检定的影响                      林锡聪(43)

Influence of humidity of gas medium on the measurement of membrane gas meter

                                                       Lin Xicong


机动车检验检测机构计量比对的实施与结果处理                   张洪宝(45)

Implementation and result processing about measurement comparison of motor vehicle inspection and testing organization                            Zhang Hongbao


太阳能级多晶硅用三氯氢硅中金属杂质的检测方法                  陈黎明(48)

Detection method of metal impurities in trichlorosilane for solar grade polycrystalline silicon                                                    Chen Liming


液体相对密度天平示值误差的符合性评定             王健  张莉莉  朱俊(50)

Conformity assessment of error of indication with ralative density balance for liquid

                                          Wang Jian,Zhang Lili, Zhu Jun


定量包装商品的净含量检验方法                                刘庆华(53)

Methods of metrological testing for net guantity of products in prepackages with fixed content                                                   Liu Qinghua


洗衣机产品使用能效标识中的问题及原因                        陈昱(56)

The problems and causes of the use of the energy efficiency label of washing machine products                                                      Chen Yu


分类管理法在三门核电计量器具管理中的应用                        蒋旭(58)

The application of classification management method in the SMNPC management of measuring instruments                                          Jiang Xu


实验室内部质量控制                                              姜艳(62)

The research of the laboratory internal quality control                Jiang Yan


公文                                                             (65-68)

投稿须知                                                         (69-70)


扉页  计量动态  “计量科普之窗”频道在“科普中国”网站正式上线

扉页  计量动态  OIML证书制度国际研讨会在沪召开

52    计量动态  国际法制计量组织证书制度管理委员会第二次会议在沪召开













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