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机械研究与分析 Mechanical Research and Analysis
基于线结构光的双目视觉目标位姿测量研究……………………■ 贺勇标 杨天龙 鲁国峰 等
Study of Target Pose Measurement Based on Binocular Vision of Linear Structure Light
基于不同成型工艺的几种高强度螺栓疲劳性能的研究…………………■ 张利国 程岩松 王巍
Fatigue Properties Research on Several Kinds of High Strength Bolt
Based on Different Molding Technique
基于 TRIZ 理论的凝结水回收水箱改进设计………………………………………………■ 赵潇
Improvement of Recycling Tank for Condensation Water Based on TRIZ Theory
具有悬持和推扶功能的自动井架工钳头装置研制…………………■ 李伦 闫文辉 邢广亮 等
Manufacture and Research on a Clamp-supporting Tong Device of Auto Iron Derrickman
基于 CANopen 协议的数字量 I/O 模块实现…………………………■ 裴世聪 丁建业 洪占勇 等
Implementation of Digital Module Based on CANopen Protocol
基于 PLC 的钢瓶物流输送线改造……………………………………■ 姜雪 谭文涛 王太征 等
Transformation of the Steel Cylinder Conveyor Line Based on PLC
某新型可变形登陆艇阻力估算与方法研究………………………………………■ 王毅 胡晓强
Research on Resistance Estimation and Method for a New Type of Deformable Landing Craft
小型雨伞脱水机………………………………………………………■ 陈晨 卢学玉 张亚轩 等
Small-size Dewatering Machine for Umbrella
气流纺纱机卷绕机构加压装置参数优化………………………………■ 闫思江 韩晓玲 李凡国
Parameterized Optimization of Airflow Spinning Machine Winding Mechanism Pressure Device
金属板料渐进成形中大成形角制件厚度优化关键技术研究……■ 许金亮 吴梦陵 孔凡新 等
Study on the Key Technology of Optimizing the Thickness of Large forming angle Parts in Sheet
Metal Forming Process
磨粒流研抛不锈钢弯头内壁流场仿真分析……………………………………■ 冯志博 张宝庆
Simulation and Analysis of Flow Field in the Inner Wall of Grinding and Polishing Stainless Steel Elbow
大型渔船燃油舱惰性气体发生装置设计…………………………■ 史丽娜 魏海滨 朱发新 等
Design of an Inert Gas Generator for Fuel Oil Tank in Large Fishing Vessels
新型不倒翁式海上灯浮标…………………………………………………■ 徐跃 付宗国 于宏斌
Lighted Buoy of Tumbler Type and New Type at Sea
风潮流作用下单锚双体船艏向控制研究………………………………■ 张荣文 薛开 周晗 等
Single Anchor Bow of the Catamaran in the Presence of wind Currents to Control Research
电工实训用电线矫直回用装置的设计………………………………■ 曹响 唐昌松 李建松 等
Design of Wire Straightening Device for Electrical Training
工艺因素对 Al-Fe 合金中相形成的影响…………………………………………■ 杨玉松 刘波
Effect of Processing Factors on the Forming Phases in Al-Fe Alloys
具有互锁功能的气控液型伸缩臂式铁钻工的研制…………………■ 李洪波 张立佳 刘建 等
Design and Research on Air Controlling Hydraulic Telescopic Arm of Iron Roughneck with Interlock Function
HSM-2 特殊螺纹油套管及现场下井推荐操作…………………………………■ 张垂贵 雷泽勇
Recommended Operation of HSM-2 Special Threaded Connection
一种基于液压节流原理控速的高层逃生缓降装置设计………………■ 邱振宇 曲相燕 牟晓蕾
Design of a High-rise Escape Descending Lifeline Based on Hydraulic Throttle Principle
一种仿生机器鳄的研制与性能测试…………………………………■ 李子圆 吴原润 鲍健 等
Development and Performance Test of a Bionic Machine Alligator
镁合金微弧氧化陶瓷涂层的研究进展……………………………■ 周星星 徐方彬 陈宁宇 等
Research Progress of Micro-arc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on Magnesium Alloy
国内金属切割工艺的应用现状及发展分析……………………………■ 杨柯权 付宗国 于宏斌
Application Status and Development Analysis of Domestic Metal Cutting Technology
基于物联网环境的工业工程实验系统研究……………………………■ 向峰 周敏 蒋国璋 等
Industrial Engineering Experiment System Based on IOT
机械设计与计算 Mechanical Design and Calculation
导轨杆弯曲整形校直机设计………………………………………………………………■ 赵云
Design of Straightening Machine for Guide Rod Bending
Creo 中典型扇叶建模的几种方法…………………………………■ 阎汉生 肖正涛 林泽泳 等
Several Modeling Methods of Typical Blades Based on Creo
一种燃机喷嘴的数值模拟………………………………………………………………■ 孙中伟
Numerical Simulation of Gas Turbine Nozzle
基于 UG NX 的复杂盘形凸轮设计………………………………………………■ 刘倩婧 成义森
Design of Complex Disc Cam Based on UG NX
基于阿克曼理论的转向梯形设计分析…………………………………………………■ 徐立平
Design Analysis of Steering Trapezium Based on Ackerman Principle
基于 3D 打印技术的机械教学模型制作研究…………………………………■ 谢冬冬 张磊刚
Design of Mechanical Teaching Model Based on 3D Printing
机车牵引装置三角架强度及稳定性分析………………………………………■ 姚皓杰 岳艳虹
Stress and Stability Analysis of Locomotive Traction Device Tripod
T12×3.9mm 厚壁管水浸超声波无损检测方法研究……………………………………■ 徐双钱
Research on Immerged Ultrasonic Nondestructive Test on T12×3.9mm Thick-walled Tube
基于 CAXA 的渐开线圆柱齿轮传动设计的研究……………………………………………■ 钱红
Research on Transmission Design of Involute Cylindrical Gear Based on CAXA
基于有限元分析的离合器从总成面压特性的研究………………………………………■ 张峰
Research on the Pressure Characteristics of Clutch Disk Based on Finite Element Analysis
基于Pro/E 软件设计中不规则表面上阵列的研究………………………………………■ 祝平蕾
Research on Irregular Surface Array Based on Pro/E Software Design
ZB45 包装机一体式商标纸切割装置……………………………………………■ 张明强 代小军
Integrated Trademark Paper Cutting Device of ZB45 Packing Machine
一种新型交叉带分拣机的研究与分析…………………………………………■ 史科科 韩天文
Research and Analysis of a New-type Crossbelt Sorter
液压系统在五轴机床上的应用研究………………………………………………■ 仲辉 张传思
Application of Hydraulic System in 5-Axis NC Machine Tool
对流- 辐射炉的应用与分析………………………………………■ 贾厚林 刘荣福 张校瑜 等
Application and Analysis of Convection-radiation Furnace
基于IE 的双作用离合器柔性装配线优化设计………………………■ 余华峰 江强强 张祖辉
Optimal Design of Double-acting Clutch Flexible Assembly Line Based on Industrial Engineering
复合材料机翼翼根处连接研究…………………………………………………■ 赵艳秦 魏士礼
Research on Composite Material Wing Root Joint
应变硬化指数与屈服强度和抗拉强度关系的研究……………………………■ 郑学斌 尚鹏举
Study on Influence of Strain Hardening Exponent on Yield Strength and Tensile Strength
某型燃气轮机压气机至透平前径向内抽气流动特性研究……………………………■ 葛春醒
Study on Flow Characteristic of Radial Air Bleed from the Compressor to the Turbine in a Gas Turbine
南海某油田 FPSO 限位分析和应用………………………………■ 邬智慧 汤炳然 马国强 等
Application and Analysis on FPSO Limit of an Oil Field in the South China Sea
新型商品包装裁剪装置的设计…………………………………………■ 王强 唐昌松 程琴 等
Design of New-type Commodity Packaging and Cutting Device
直接驱动技术在数控机床中的应用………………………………………………■ 张传思 仲辉
Application of Direct Drive Technology in NC Machine Tools
150MW 循环流化床锅炉风帽阻力特性的试验………………………■ 吴慧婷 王啸飞 赵利敏
Experimental Investigate on Air Nozzle Resistance of 150MW CFB Boiler
循环流化床锅炉耐磨耐火材料升级改造………………………………………………■ 张向荣
Upgrading and Reconstruction of Abrasion Resistant Refractory Materials in Circulating Fluidized Bedboiler
机 电 信 息 ……………………………………………………………………55、58、60、139、143
书讯 机械工业出版社 :《机器人手册》《机械密封原理与设计》 ……………………………………插 1
服务驿站 Service Station
凸轮机构在 QFP 自动冲切成型系统中的应用……………………………………………■ 郑翔
Application of Cam Mechanism in QFP-type Automatic Trim and Forming System
城轨车辆底架运输车轮组有限元分析………………………………■ 陈家鑫 刘博 段智深 等
Finite Element Analysis on Wheel of Underframe Transport Vehicle
叶片称重排序装置的技术改进研究与应用……………………………………………■ 江鹏远
Improvement Study of Blade Weighing and Sorting Device
机床传动机构中轴承座的安装与调试……………………………………………■ 王志国 仲辉
Bearing Installation and Debugging of the Transmission Mechanism in Machine Tool
一种燃烧室薄壁件挤压成型模具………………………………………………■ 王宏娟 季东军
Extrusion Die of a Thin-walled Workpiece in Combustor
柱塞泵机架组合工艺研究…………………………………………■ 王海峰 刘宏亮 徐斌荣 等
Study on the Assembling Technology of Plunger Pump Frame
CF18 型抽油机加强圈焊缝开裂分析…………………………………■ 王宝阳 范世平 李乙朝
Crack Analysis on Stiffening Ring Welding Seam of CF18 Type Pumping Unit
特种加工对机械加工工艺的突破及变革………………………………………………■ 李文博
Application of Nontraditional Machining in Machining Process Technology
SPC 应用于铝合金真空钎焊…………………………………………………………………■ 杨林
Application of SPC in Aluminum Alloy Vacuum Brazing
下盖类薄壁零件加工过程变形控制技术……………………………■ 刘国航 牛雪平 李晓萍
Deformation Control Technology for Processing Lower Cover
YB95 包装机条烟推送装置的改进………………………………………………■ 黄城宝 刘长胜
Improvement of Cigarettes Pushing Equipment in YB95 Packing Machine
调谐质量减振器在人行桥人致振动控制中的应用……………………………■ 卢泽杰 权秀敏
Application of Tuned Mass Damper in Human-induced Vibration Reduction of Footbridge
DCT 变速器壳体有限元分析与实测对比验证………………………■ 余春祥 彭帮亮 陈伟 等
Comparison between Finite Element Analysis and Test for DCT housing
提升机减震机构改进研究与应用………………………………………………………■ 张国艳
Improvement and Application of Shock Eliminator in Hoister
机械制造与应用 Mechanical Manufacture and Application
活塞环加工过程中的热定型和氮化方法………………………………………■ 李肖霞 王念运
Heat Setting and Nitriding Process of Piston Ring
基于 MasterCAM 软件的薄壁零件加工工艺研究………………………………………■ 李清江
Research on Machining Technology of Thin Wall Parts Based on MasterCAM Software
基于 ANSYS Workbench 的薄壁件加工工艺优化………………………………………■ 王晓健
Machining Process Optimization of Thin-walled Parts Based on ANSYS Workbench
160 km/h 转向架构架制造工艺研究……………………………………………■ 曲丛辉 文林涛
Research on the Production Process of 160 km/h Bogie Frame
机械维修与诊断 Mechanical Academic Communication
某收放作动筒安全活门开启故障排除及预防…………………………■ 宋燕 罗愿欣 耿爱红
Failure Removal and Prevent Precaution of Safety Valve in Retraction Actuator of Landing-gear
新 M3000 玻璃升降器故障问题研究………………………………………………………■ 朱博
Study on Faults of New M3000 Glass Lifter
机械工装与模具 Mechanical Tooling and Mould
红岩汽车后桥主减壳某工序夹具设计…………………………………………………■ 周成业
Fixture Design for 60th Machining Sequence of Rear Drive Axle Main Reducer Shell
一种大口径铜套安装工具………………………………………………■ 史卫波 周莹 安浩 等
Installation Tool for Large-diameter Copper Sleeve
随行工装在汽车壳体零件自动线中的应用……………………………………■ 李伟锋 王媛媛
Application of Follow Tooling in Automobile Housing Automatic Production Line
服务驿站 Service Station
机 电 信 息 ……………………………………………………………………55、58、60、139、143
书讯 机械工业出版社 :《机器人手册》《机械密封原理与设计》 ……………………………………插 1
检测仪器 检验仪器 测量仪器 测试仪器 无损检测 无损探伤 材料检测 材料试验 检测材料 几何量仪器
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