卷首语 Editor’s Words
P01 守初心 担使命 为振兴工程机械产业再努力
周贤彪/ZHOU Xianbiao资讯 Information
P07 业界动态 Industry Trend
CICEE 2019
P14 第一届地下工程技术与装备湘江国际论坛
1st Xiangjiang International Underground Technology and Equipment Forum
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
市场观察 Observation
P20 2019美国租赁市场调查报告
2019 American Rental Market Report
业界 Industry Trend
P24 中俄进入新时代 “中国风”惊艳莫斯科盛会
China Style in Moscow Grand Meeting Demonstrated a New Era of China and Russia本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P27 中交西筑:辉煌六十载 全新再起航
Splendid 60 Years Development and Brand New Start of CCCC XRMC
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P30 BICES 2019倒计时100天新闻发布会
Press Release of Bices 2019's 100-day countdown
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P34 中联重科工程起重机7大新品发布
New Product launch and nationwide tour of 7 Models of Zoomlion Construction held in Changsha
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P36 南方路机预拌砂浆绿色产业发展技术与装备
Technology and Equipment of NFLG Green Premixed Mortar Industry Development Seminar held in Kunming
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
施工技术 Construction Technology
P39 某大型造船龙门起重机故障分析与维修方法设计
Fault Analysis and Maintenance Method DesignofaLarge Ship Building Gantry Crane
殷鹏/YIN Peng 王远友/WANG Yuanyou
钟洪峰/ZHONG Hongfeng
杨文刚/YANG Wengang 王天/WANG Tianyou
P44 工程机械气弹簧安装设计分析
Installation Design Analysis of Air Spring for Construction Machinery
吴渠兰/WU Qulan
产品·技术 Product & Technology
P46 基于滑模控制的车用感应电机直接转矩控制研究
Research on Direct Torque Control of vehicle Induction Motor Based on Sliding-moding Control
胡天明/HU Tianming
P50 基于SolidWorks的移动模架预压质量分析
Based On The Analysis Of SolidWorks Mobile Formwork Preloading Quality
白康/BAI Kang 田凤学/TIAN Fengxue
P53 正交面齿轮齿面参数化设计与可视化仿真分析
Parametric Design and Visual Simulation Analysis of Orthogonal Face-Gear
李强/LI Qiang 樊新波/FAN Xinbo
P57 挖掘机动臂异响故障的排查方法
Investigate Method on The Abnormal Noise of Boom
郭中华/GUO Zhonghua 姚锡涛/YAO Xitao
P59 塔机顶升系统改进
Improvement of Tower Crane Jacking System
闻志君/WEN Zhijun
P61 重载车辆变速箱悬置优化改进分析
Improvement Analysis of Gearbox Mounting for Heavy-duty Vehicles
曹希存/CAO Xicun 李杰/LI Jie
赵建国/ZHAO Jianguo
P63 装载机传动轴载荷谱的测试与编制
Load Test And Spectrum Compilation Method of Loader Transmission Shaft
刘浩然/LIU Haoran 黄绵剑/HUANG Mianjian
滕毅敏/TENG Yimin 杨斌/YANG Bin
滕飞/TENG Fei
P68 混凝土搅拌楼站粉料输送形式研究
Study on Powder Converying Mode of Concrete Batching Plate
顾剑斌/GU Jianbin
P70 CAN总线在工程机械测试上的应用
Application of CAN Bus in Engineering Machinery Testing
滕飞/TENG Fei 滕毅敏/TENG Yimin
黄绵剑/HUANG Mianjian 黄遂/UANG Sui
廖俊林/LIAO Junlin 杨斌/YANG Bin
刘浩然/LIU Haoran
机务管理 Machinery Management
P73 军用工程机械分类标准的研究与修订
The Research and Revision of Military Construction Machinery Classification Standard
胡隽卿/HU Junqing 胡浩/HU Hao
P76 顺应市场发展要求带对重施工升降机渐渐淡出市场舞台
Adapting to Market Development Requirements With Heavy Builders Hoist Gradually Fade Out of the Market Stage
方文权/FANG Wenquan 马晓君/MA Xiaojun
朱虎/ZHU Hu