卷首语 Editor’s Word
P01 恭贺CICEE成功举办
周贤彪/ZHOU Xianbiao
资讯 Informatio
P07 业界动态 Industry Trend
CICEE 2019
P13 长沙国际工程机械展览会强势登场
Grand Fair-2019 Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P22 匠心精品 智造华章
XCMG 16 Models of Products exhibited in CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P24 2019长沙国际工程机械展开幕
Zoomlion Intelligent Manufacturing Show In CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P26 三一集团“智能+”助力机械之都走向世界
SANY "Intelligent+" Promotes Equipment going Abroad
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P28 铁建重工超级地下工程装备闪耀CICEE 2019
CRCHI Super Underground Equipment in 2019 CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P30 极限工况 强悍设备 柳工携26款设备闪亮2019CICEE
Liugong 26 Models of Equipment Exhibited in CICEE 2019
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P32 超强阵容尽显创新成果
Strong Fleet of Sunward In CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P33 山推携重磅产品精彩亮相长沙国际工程机械展
Shantui Major Products Exhibited In CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P35 约翰迪尔重磅亮相2019长沙国际工程机械展
Brilliant Show of John Deere in 2019 CICEE
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P36 超级工程背后的超级装备
—— 央视“对话”工程机械风云人物
The Super Equipment behind the Super Engineering
— CCTV "Dialogue" with Celebrities of Construction Machinery Industry
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P40 第七届工程机械与车辆工程新进展
7th International Academic Conference of Construction Machineries and Vehicles
P42 “一带一路”基础设施与工程装备商务峰会
"The belt and Road" Summit about Infrastructure and Construction Equipment
本刊编辑部/Editorial Dept.
P46 建设高质量海外工程营地研讨会成功举办
Seminar of Qualified Construction Project Abroad
P50 中国吊装业再出发
2019 International Hoisting Industry Summit
P52 吊装精英的巅峰之战
—— 2019“长沙杯”全国吊装精英挑战赛完美收官
2019 "Changsha Cup" National Hoisting Experts' technique Competition
施工技术 Construction Technology
P55 LED屏用磁吸式振动夹具设计及动特性分析
Design and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Magnetic Vibration Fixture for LED Screen
杜祯/Du Zhen 刘博/Liu Bo
白琳/Bai Lin
P58 平衡阀组在液压控制回路中的运行及作用分析
Operation and Function Analysis of Balanced Valve Group in Hydraulic Control Circuit
邹发良/ZOU Faliang
产品·技术 Product & Technology
P62 一种离心选粉机及细粉分级系统的应用
An Whizzer Separatorand Employment of the Powder Separator System
梁静波/LIANG Jingbo 张宝裕/ZHANG Baoyu
郑娇/ZHENG Jiao 黄文景/HUANG Wenjing
P66 基于ZigBee的塔式起重机机防碰撞系统的实现
Realization of Anti-collision System of Tower Crane Based on Zigbee
粟柱/SU Zhu 杨 凯/YANG Kai
刘佳/LIU Jia 张艺蓝/ZHANG Yilan
P69 大吨位轮式起重机闭式液压驱动起升卷扬应急系统控制技术
Control Technology of Closed Hydraulic Drive Rolling Emergency System for Large Tonnage Wheel Crane
管小兴/GUAN Xiaoxing 丹晨/DAN Chen
李瑞/LI Rui 赵东源/ZHAO Dongyuan
P71 装载机燃油经济性的测试评估
Fuel Economy Test Evaluation of Wheel Loader
滕毅敏/TENG Yimin 滕飞/TENG Fei
廖俊林/LIAO Junlin 黄绵剑/HUANG Mianjian
P74 塔机起升机构的制动器失效保护研究
Studyonbrake Inoperative Protection of Tower Crane Hoisting Mechanism
惠鹏/HUI Peng 姚萃/YAO Cui
张虎陈/ ZHANG Huchen
机务管理 Machinery Management
P75 新购置大型设备管理探讨
New Equipment(Large Type) Management Seminar
黎德锋/LI Defeng