主要报道: 金属塑性工程行业的新理论、新工艺、新设备,模具设计与制造技术、工业加热与节能技术、摩擦与润滑、测试技术、计算机应用、锻压标准等方面的科研成果、现场经验、实验研究、技术革新、综述、专题讲座及行业动态等。
《锻压技术》创刊半个世纪以来发表了许多质量高、有影响的文章,在促进科技进步和市场经济发展中发挥着重要作用,成为传播业内动态、技术、机械以及产品资讯的窗口 。
《国内外机电一体化技术》所面对的读者群为分布在机械电子、仪器仪表、通信、能源、建筑、建材、冶金、交通、石油化工、食品饮料、制药、汽车、安防、水利、电力、环保、纺织 、轻工、包装印刷 、航空航天、市政、计算机、烟草、军工、其它等各个行业的技术人员、管理人员、院校师生及协会遍布全国的会员单位。是各级政府的好帮手、企业的好参谋、广大读者的良朋益友。 The JFST was started publication in 1958 by the institution for Technology of Plasticity, CMES and Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology. It is one of Chinese core magazine and is published every two month. It is very famous in the field of metal plasticity technology. Its readers include engineers, teachers, researchers, enterprise technician and relations The content of publication cover the new theory, the new technology, the new equipment, the design and manufacture technology of the forming tool, the technology of heating and saving energy, the friction and lubricating, the measuring technology, the application of the computer, the standard for forging and stamping, the summarizing and the special topic about the field of metal plasticity technology. The content of publication include also the experience of manufacture, experiment research, technique renovating and the actions. It is also the main content that the news are reported coming form the intustrial, trade, institution, the conference and all kinds of actives,and so on. The advertising is a important content of the JFST, the many people and enterprises can get many information form it. Welcome to order and read the JFST, you can get more enjoying from it! |