光栅测微仪是以高精度光栅为检测元件,由数显表显示读数的数字化测微仪,是精密千分表的换代产品。它与块规 、表架组合使用,可代替高度尺。具有精密高、使用可靠、读数准确等优点。也可作为直线传感器,用于数显硬度计。

High precision grating is used as a measuring element in grating micrometer and results can be read from digital display .High accuracy reliability and accurate reading are its advantages.

Grating micrometer is the replacement of mechanical micrometer .when it is fixed on a mount and operates with gauge block ,it can work as a height gauge .the grating micrometer can act as a linear transducer in digital hardometer.